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Business Thurles: Study and Research Skills

Guide to essential resouces for Business students


Study Skills!

Here are some useful resources to help you on your study journey!


Writing guides

Useful Writing Skills websites


Useful Methods


Honesty is an indispensable foundation of teaching, learning, research, and service.  As you embark on a practice of lifelong learning it is essential that you remain truthful about which ideas are your own, which are derived from others research and the methods you use to find, use and present information. Cultivating a practice of honesty in your research is a foundation stone of your academic integrity.



Trust is another necessary foundation of academic work. When developing your information literacy skills, you need to trust the research and as you gain confidence to do your own research, you need to show you can be trusted too. Trust enables you to collaborate, to share information, and to circulate your ideas and words, without fear that your work will be stolen, compromised or diminished. Trust is essential so that those outside academic communities can believe in the value and meaning of scholarly research, teaching, and degrees. 

Study Skills

Useful Study Skills Websites

Google Web Search