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Linguistics: Books & E-books

New Books - Linguistics

Where in the Library?

Books are arranged by subject using the Dewey Classification System. This system arranges books by subject. Each book is assigned a shelfmark number which is a series of numbers followed by letters. The number identifies the subject and the longer the number the more specific the subject is. This number can be found on the spine of the book. The list of shelfmark numbers at the end of the shelves provide a comprehensive guide. Most books on linguistics can be found on the first floor in the 400s section.

The map below shows the layout of the library and the location of each collection.

Reference Books

Finding Books on the Catalogue

E-books from eBook Central

eBooks are books in digital format that can be read on a computer, tablet or mobile device and give full-text access to academic material.

They are available 24/7 via the library website and are accessible on and off-campus.

Most of the eBooks available through MIC library are from a platform called eBook Central.

There are two options available on this platform:

  • read the book online (there is more functionality with this option)
  • download on a 1 day or 2 day loan (you will need to have the Adobe Digitial Editions software downloaded on to your device in order to do this). Ebooks that are downloaded will automatically disappear from your device once the due date has expired.

Platform features:

  • Save books to your bookshelf
  • Share the link to the ebook
  • Get a citation for the book
  • Make notes (Please note that this option is only possible by selecting the 'Read Online' option)

Borrowing from the library

The Library offers a Click & Collect service alongside our normal borrowing service. For more information about this service please see here.

For information on how many items you can borrow and for how long please click here.

Inter-Library Loans

Our Inter-Library Loan service can get articles, books and other publications not held in MIC Library from other libraries. For more information about this service, please click here


First Floor
300.72 Research methods - social sciences
302.2 Social sciences - communication
400 Language
401 Philosophy and Theory: International Languages
403 Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Concordances
404 Special Topics of Language
404.2 Bilingualism
410 Linguistics
411 - 415 Standard language - description and analysis (writing systems, etymology, phonology, grammar)
417 Dialectology and historical linguistics
418 Applied linguistics
418.0071 Second language teaching
421 Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English
422 Etymology - standard English
423 Dictionaries - standard English
425 Grammar - standard English
427.9417 English language - Ireland
428.0071 English language - standard English - education and research; TESOL teaching methods
428.1 Vocabulary - usage
428.2 Prescriptive grammar - English language
428.24 English as a second language - applied linguistics
800 Literature, rhetoric and criticism

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