Academic Integrity
"Academic Integrity refers to honesty and responsibility in academic practice and scholarship. It values ethical academic behaviour and the avoidance of plagiarism, cheating, fraudulent representation of academic work and other dishonesty in academic endeavours." MIC Academic Integrity Policy
It's really important to make sure you adhere to the Academic Integrity Policy in all areas of your college work. Click here to find out what Academic Integrity means for you while you attend MIC.
Maths students use the Harvard referencing system. MIC uses the Harvard UL 2016 Referencing guide
Referencing acknowledges the books, articles, websites, and any other material used in the writing of a paper, essay or thesis.
Essential Elements of Referencing
Refers to sources you quote within your document. This brief citation directs the reader to the exact place in your reference list or bibliography where you will provide the extended details of the source
Reference list/ Bibliography:
Detailed list of sources that have been cited within the text. Every reference must have enough information for the reader to find the source again.
Reference management software can help you:
EndNote Online is recommended for undergraduates and as a supplement to EndNote Desktop for researchers. It facilitates remote working and resource sharing. Login from You must register for an account on-campus.
This Guide to EndNote gives a clear instructions on how to register, and how to use EndNote Online. For further training and workshops, please contact the library.