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English Language & Literature: Books & E-books

Relevant shelfmark numbers

First Floor
800 Literature
808 Rhetoric and Collections of Literature
808.042/808.066 Study Skills/Academic Writing
819.09 Anglo-Irish Literature
819.108 Poetry (Anthologies)
819.1912 Anglo-Irish Poetry - Early 20th Century
819.1914 Anglo-Irish Poetry - Late 20th Century
819.2914 Anglo-Irish Drama - Late 20th Century
819.3912 Anglo-Irish Fiction
819.4 Anglo-Irish Essays
820 English & Old English Literatures
821 English Poetry
822 English Drama
822.33 English Drama - Shakespeare
823 English Fiction
823.01 English Fiction - Short Stories
827 English Satire

Where in the Library?

Books are arranged by subject using the Dewey Classification System. This system arranges books by subject. Each book is assigned a shelfmark number which is a series of numbers followed by letters. The number identifies the subject and the longer the number the more specific the subject is. This number can be found on the spine of the book.

The map below shows the layout of the library.

Borrowing from the library

The Library offers a Click & Collect service alongside our normal borrowing service. For more information about this service please see here.

For information on how many items you can borrow and for how long please click here.

Inter-Library Loans

Request items held outside of MIC Library collections. For more information about this service, please click here

Finding a book

Use the Catalogue to search for books or the SEARCH ALL tab on the library home page.

When you search, note the following:

  • Location: Is the book in Limerick or Thurles? In some cases we have the same book in both campuses so make sure to check
  • Shelfmark/Call Number: This is the Dewey number followed by three letters to help you find the book on the shelf
  • Status: Is the book available on the shelf or is it on loan? Remember if a book is on loan, you can reserve it using your MIC log-in details.

eBook Collections

Reference Books


eBooks are books in digital format that can be read on a computer, tablet or mobile device and give full-text access to academic material.

They are available 24/7 via the library website and are accessible on and off-campus.

Most of the eBooks available through MIC library are from a platform called eBook Central.

There are two options available on this platform:

  • read the book online (there is more functionality with this option)
  • download on a 1 day or 2 day loan (you will need to have the Adobe Digitial Editions software downloaded on to your device in order to do this). Ebooks that are downloaded will automatically disappear from your device once the due date has expired.

Platform features:

  • Save books to your bookshelf
  • Share the link to the ebook
  • Get a citation for the book
  • Make notes (Please note that this option is only possible by selecting the 'Read Online' option)

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