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German Studies: Journals & Databases


Magazines & Newspapers

A popular German Magazine dealing with politics, business, current affairs and culture.



A weekly German newspaper.

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The following databases are just a small number of available databases.


  • JSTOR 
    (a not-for-profit organization with a trusted archive of important scholarly journals)
  • Project Muse
    (offers approx. 700 full text titles from over 60 scholarly publishers covering literature, cultural studies, political science and more)
  • Humanities Source Ultimate
    Humanities Source Ultimate contains full-text articles from subjects including Classical studies, Critical theory, Human culture, Linguistics, Literary and social criticism, 
  • Communication Source
    Full text of nearly 700 journals in the areas of mass media, communications theory, linguistics, organizational communication, phonetics and speech pathology. It also provides abstracting and indexing for over 1000 titles.
  • Linguistics Collection
    Search across a range of Proquest index and full text linguistics databases. Part of Social Sciences Premium Collection.(IReL resource)

Dictionaries & Reference Books

  • Oxford Reference Online 
    (contains dictionaries, language reference, and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press)


  • Film Index International 
    (is an information resource for films and personalities produced in collaboration with the British Film Institute providing international coverage)

A full list of relevant databases for your subject area is available by clicking here.

What is?

A journal is an academic publication that is published regularly, which contains research by academics and researchers.

A database is an online collection of information such as journal articles, reports, case studies, ebooks and images which you can use in your studies. Some databases deal with one format (e.g. journal articles) or one subject while others deal with several subjects (known as multidisciplinary) and contain several formats.

An evaluation of professional or academic work by other experts working in the same field.

Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication that makes research information available to readers at no cost, as opposed to the traditional subscription model in which readers have access to scholarly information by paying a subscription (usually via libraries).


MIRR is the college's Institutional Repository and is an example of what is available on open access. The repository contains research conducted by MIC lecturers and researchers.

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