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History: Books & E-books

Relevant shelfmark numbers

First Floor
320 Politics and government
323 Civil and political rights
325 International migration & colonisation
326 Slavery and emancipation
327 International relations; foreign policy; Cold War
355 Military science
808.042 / 808.066 Study skills / academic writing
900 - 907 Historiography; historical research methods; oral history
913.415 Antiquaries of Ireland
929 Genealogy
930 History of the Ancient World
940 General history of Europe; Early history - 1453; Renaissance period; Reformation period; Thirty Years War; Period of French Revolution; 1815-1914; World War I; World War II; Post-war
941 History of the British Isles
941.5 History of Ireland
941.6 Northern Ireland; Donegal, Cavan and Monaghan
941.7 Local history - Connaught
941.8 Local history - Leinster
941.9 Local history - Munster
942 England and Wales
943 Germany
944 France; French Revolution
950 Asia
960 Africa
970 North America
973 United States of America
974 - 979 Specific states of United States
980 South America
993 New Zealand and Australia

Where in the Library?

Books are arranged by subject using the Dewey Classification System. This system arranges books by subject. Each book is assigned a shelfmark number which is a series of numbers followed by letters. The number identifies the subject and the longer the number the more specific the subject is. This number can be found on the spine of the book. The list of shelfmark numbers at the end of the shelves provide a comprehensive guide. Most books on history can be found on the first floor in the 300s and 900s sections.

The map below shows the layout of the library.

Collections of historical books


eBooks are books in digital format that can be read on a computer, tablet or mobile device and give full-text access to academic material.

They are available 24/7 via the library website and are accessible on and off-campus.

Most of the eBooks available through MIC library are from a platform called eBook Central.

There are two options available on this platform:

  • read the book online (there is more functionality with this option)
  • download on a 1 day or 2 day loan (you will need to have the Adobe Digitial Editions software downloaded on to your device in order to do this). Ebooks that are downloaded will automatically disappear from your device once the due date has expired.


  • Save books to your bookshelf
  • Share the link to the ebook
  • Get a citation for the book
  • Make notes (Please note that this option is only possible by selecting the 'Read Online' option)

Borrowing from the library

The Library offers a Click & Collect service alongside our normal borrowing service. For more information about this service please see here.

For information on how many items you can borrow and for how long please click here.

Inter-Library Loans

Request items held outside of MIC Library collections. For more information about this service, please click here

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