Harvard UL is the style used by Education, Business and many Arts subjects in MIC. Check your course handbook to see which style your department uses.
See below for samples of different formats. For a full list consult the Harvard UL Style Guide
The citation style in Harvard is (Author Year)
One Author: (Flanagan 2006)
Two authors (Gerwitz and Cribb 2009)
Three or more authors (Menter et al. 2011) Note that you list all the authors in the Bibliography
No Author (Collins Dictionary 1996) Cite Tiltle of book
Two works by an Author Published in the same year (Robinson 1997a) (Robinson 1997b)
Source cited in another source (Smith, cited in Buckroyd 1990)
Further examples can be found on Pages 5-7 of the Harvard UL Style Guide
O'Brien, C. (2020) 'Budget 2021: €250 payment for third-level students for move to online learning' The Irish Times, 13 Oct, Available: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/education/budget-2021-250-payment-for-third-level-students-for-move-to-online-learning-1.4379605 [accessed 15 October 2020]
Talbot, R. (2020) 'Referencing and Plagiarism I' Information Literacy, MIC Thurles, unpublished.
Consortium of National & University Libraries (2009) Integrating Information Literacy Standards into the Curriculum CONUL http://www.conul.ie/media/Complete-Guide.pdf [accessed 12 August 2018]
Menter, I., Elliot, D., Hulme, M., Lewin, J., & Lowden, K. (2011). A guide to practitioner research in education . London: SAGE.
Gewirtz, S. & Cribb, A. (2009) Understanding education : a sociological perspective . Cambridge: Polity.
Flanagan, F. M. (2006) The greatest educators ever . London: Continuum.
O'Connor, P. (2010) 'Gender and organisational culture at senior management level: limits and possibilities for change' in Harford, J. and Rush. C., eds., Have women made a difference? Women in Irish universities 1850- 2010, Oxford: Peter Lang, 139-162.
Flanagan, F. M. (1996) 'A certain minimum education: Who’s to be accountable?' Irish educational studies.15 (1), 133–151.
Aharony, N. and Gazit, T. (2019), 'Factors affecting students’ information literacy self-efficacy', Library Hi Tech, Vol. 37 No. 2, pp. 183-196. https://doi.org/10.1108/LHT-10-2018-0154
NOTE: Online journal articles have a DOI or digital object identifier. When that is present you don't need to include a date accessed.